* This coming from some one who has never had a productive job, always lived off government largess in various forms, and who goes golfing, takes a vacation or plans to be out of the country when ever difficult issues are addressed and hard work is required. He has out-Owelled Orwell!
(Con., Democrats)
The Rich: The reason people are poor.
(Con., Democrats)
The poor: The victims of the rich.
(Con., Democrats/Republicans)
The middle class: rich fields for the harvesting of taxation.
(Con., Radical Muslims)
Muslim: a seeker of peace, an advocate of the religion of peace....Yea, Right!
(Con.,. US college economics professors)
Intellectual; a Marxist
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Relativist: an intellectual
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Conservative: a recidivist (also see troglodyte)
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Traditionalist; a cultural ludite--see narrow-minded. (Also see moralistic troglodyte, Nazi.)
(Con., Federal bureaucrat/SPLC/NAACP)
Racist: An individual (or institution) that fails to treat minorities (except white and orientals) as a privileged and protected class.
Politician: A slave of the monied elite and special interest that fund him. A thief and a liar that carries on the evil he does behind the veneer of governmental authority as he picks the pockets of the citizenry for the benefit of himself and the monied interests he serves, all done under the aegis of a false philanthropy commonly referred to as "the greater good." He, of course, judiciously avoids ever revealing whose "greater good" is it he's serving.
Political Slogan: A statement that encourages an enthusiasm, program or action without a defined goal, object or purpose: "Yes, we can!" ,"Forward," " A New Deal," "The Great Society," etc.
(Con., Federal bureaucrat)
Governmental equality: Having a special set of standards, rewards, and compensations for certain minorities from whom votes might be had.
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Moral absolutist: Nazi
Libertarian: An anarchist whose individualist philosophy cloaks the reality he is a Nazi, a racist and a white supremacist. Some racists to keep an eye on: Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Walter Williams, Dr. Thomas Sowell.
Politically Incorrect: The courageous and open stating of truths various totalitarian minority groups on the illiberal Left find offensive because they are contradictory to their "smelly little orthodoxies," and because they expose them for what and who they are: a pack of savage, tyrannical swine who fly into a mad rage the moment any pearls of truth are cast in their direction.
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Truth teller: See "Orwellian"
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Orwellian: A visionary who sees the endless, creative and pragmatic usefulness in the malleability of language and meaning for personal advantage and gain. (See politician).
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
Politician: Orwellian
(Con., Intellectuals/Modern Liberals)
President: the Grand Orwellian Wizard (See "silver fox")
(Con., Marxists/Democrats)
The über rich: Those who have a disorder commonly known as "Scrooge McDuck Syndrome," and have succeeded in making large sums of money for the sole purpose and intent of making others as poor as possible.
(Con., Neocons)
Neocon: an advocate of peace and liberty whose primary means are sanctions, threats, saber rattling, intriguing and overwhelming military force.
(Con., Neocons)
Defensive foreign policy: A policy advocated by cowards, traitors and commies. (see Ron Paulism).
(Con., Neocons)
Pre-emptive war: War to prevent war.
(Con., Neocons)
Patriot act: A legislative act advocating the domestic application of the principle of pre-emptive war, giving the government the right to side-step the Constitution and the protections of the individual in Bill of Rights, and threaten, intimidate and place citizens in indefinite detention at the pleasure of the ruling elite.
(Con., the few sane people who remain in the amerikan orwellian state)
Classical Liberal: an individual who believes in a society based upon limited government, and individual liberty lived in a context of natural law.
(Con., the few sane people who remain in the amerikan orwellian state)
Modern Liberal: an individual who believes in unlimited government as an instrument for enforcing autocratic rule upon the collective, rooted in positive law as determined by mob rule (aka, democracy).
(Con., the few sane people who remain in the amerikan orwellian state)
Federal judicial review: The process by which the black robed foxes are asked to decide if what the red foxes and the silver fox have decided to do to the hens is constitutional.
(Con., the few sane people who remain in the amerikan orwellian state)
Hens: The prey of foxes regardless of colour. (see Federal judicial review)
(Con., Neocons)
War: 1) The primary duty and purpose of the state, especially wars of conquest, control and confiscation. 2) The antidote to peace.