Saturday, May 29, 2010
Memorial day: A Day of Mixed Emotions
The Wisdom of Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
The failure of central planning
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Michael's Story: the logic of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
prominently in his establishment.
Many customers tell Michael they are behind him, some give him a few unfriendly looks but say nothing. Business remains largely unchanged, except for a new crowd that begins to come in daily. They seem friendly, well educated and pleasant. It's always good to have new customers, Michael thinks.
This goes on for a few weeks, and when he is leaving one evening he notices the building down the street is still open despite the late hour. He then remembered that building was closed down and abandoned in 2006 as part of the economic downturn. Odd, he thinks. There must be a new company that has moved in. So, he gets in his car and drives down to see what's going on. To his shock he finds an abortion center has opened up and he can see young girls entering and leaving the building even though it is past 9 pm. What's worse he sees Planned Parenthood has moved in just across the street in the old mom and pop hardware store that closed last year.
The next day, in the middle of lunch time rush he makes the connection: the new crowd that has been coming in are workers in both these groups--They're on lunch break from destroying nascent human life and making money from contraception and advising young girls to destroy their babies.
Michael is sickened---and here is he with a plate of roast beef and potatoes in his hand to serve to the man who appears to be the head of the clinic.
He feels horrible. He is feeding killers---but it's legal. He notices they see the anti-abortion material but no one says anything.
The following days Michael goes to work, but he's just going through the motions. The joy he once had is gone. All he can think about is that he is feeding murderers. The money they give him is blood money. He has trouble sleeping and become sullen and withdrawn at home. The customers notice the change in him and in the once friendly, homey atmosphere of the restaurant.
They refuse and remain standing. The smartly dressed young lady smiles politely and hands him a document. It says the government has received many complaints from patrons about the offensive nature of the literature Michael is displaying, literature that speaks against an act that is legal and protected by the Constitution.
Yes, they say. You have rights--but not in your business. Take the stuff away...or else. With that they walk out.
Angrily, Michael removes the literature.
The next day the abortion crew comes in and some of them glance at the spots where the pro-life literature had been on display. They nod among each other with approving glances and snigger and laugh.
Their laughter continues and their talk gets louder. Finally, one in the group orders special drinks. When the drinks arrive he stands and proposes a toast to the owner of the abortion clinic and wishes him a great two week Hawaiian vacation he and his family are about to take. Next, a young woman proposes a toast to the clinic, the success of which is paying for that vacation. Finally, they call Michael over and toast him, and thank him for such great food and tell him how glad they are that such a great restaurant is near by their work.
Michael is speechless. He wishes he could disappear, standing in the restaurant he once loved he wishes he were anywhere but there. He feels like he is dying inside.
Suddenly, he loses it. He bursts out screaming in a barely controlled rage, calling them parasites and murderers. He pushes one man over in his chair and then tries to turn the table over.
Everyone scatters.
Get out, Michael screams, Get out! He can feel his face turning red and his veins bulging out from his forehead and neck. Shaking his fists at them he yells, I don't serve murderers–––killers. Get out!
Michael sits with his head in his hands at a table for a long time. He looks up to see only a handful of customers still sitting at tables and the ceiling fans slowing turning.
Michael returns home, and though he is exhausted he sleeps only little, tossing and turning. The next morning he drags himself to work.
Waiting for him at the restaurant door is a policemen and the government man and woman with him.
Michael learns he is guilty of breaking local and federal law, both rooted in the 1964 civil rights law or extensions of it. He learns his restaurant is in danger of getting shut down and he is in danger of going to prison.
Michael is crushed...then becomes furious. He decides he'll fight and does. He hires the best lawyer he can. But when he gets to court he finds that every liberal fascist group there is has poured tons of money into PR, the press, TV broadcasts and the best lawyers in the country. The whole thing is getting national attention.
Broke, Michael finds life in the town he once loved unbearable. He loses most of his friends. His wife, who is a doctor, has no income because she has been forbidden from practicing, It seem an extension of the 1964 law now requires doctors to not only recommend but even participate in abortion on demand. This is because a recent court decision using the 1964 Civil Rights law concerning private businesses as precedent. The court concluded that no person can bring their private religious and moral views into their jobs, whether it be their private practice or as an employee of a hospital. Abortion, is after all, the law of the land and an approved medical procedure and it must, therefore, be performed on demand--or else.
There is no room for private views, religious or otherwise, in public businesses and services, so the same law that forces the racially biased individual to serve people of all races, religions and cultures in his business, also forces people who hold personal religious views to set them aside and perform what the government has determined to be lawful procedures. The court says at home one can do whatever he or she chooses–––for now. But in public one cannot choose according to his or her personal biases or refuse to act due to issues of personal conscience. If you refuse you have the state to deal with.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Constitutional Heresy
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It's time to give a big Texas thank you!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
The Armadillo is embracing Liberalism--you should too!
Prior to Arizona's new Immigration law I was pretty much on the side of the Conservatives. But now I'm seriously thinking of joining the protesters. The reason is, without knowing it, I have obviously been persecuted by the state of Texas and taken for a sucker by the Federal government. The protests in Arizona have made me painfully aware of how I've been discriminated against and unfairly treated. I don't see why I should not receive the same treatment illegals have been given. Let me share an example to explain what I mean.
In the past, if the police stopped me here in Texas, even for a tail light being out or a crack in my windshield, they expected ME to produce a valid driver's license and an up to date proof of insurance and proper documents pertaining to the car I'm driving.
What an outrage! But that's not all.
Even if my documents were in order and I was uncharacteristically cooperative and respectful, the officer always took my license and documentation, went back to his car, opened up the computer there, fed in my information and checked my entire background, seeing if I had any prior convictions, if I was wanted in Texas or any other state, if I owed money for unpaid traffic tickets, if I was in arrears on child support payments, or if I had warrants in other places---or anything else in my background that might give him an excuse to ticket me, perform a search on my person, or arrest me and confiscate my car––which I would have to pay a large amount of money to get back even if I was proven innocent or a victim of mistaken identity. And I would have virtually no legal recourse to recoup damages and expenses. After all, the officer is just doing his duty to keep the peace and make sure ALL the laws are enforced. My cost and inconvenience would just be the cost of maintaining a just, safe and free society.
To Hell with that. Now I know better. I see now, thanks to illegals bravely protesting, that the Government has been treating me and other citizens like we're drooling idiots that just fell off the turnip truck. NO MORE! This boy knows better now and he will no longer stay silent.
In the past I put up with it all because I believed it was the standard procedure everyone had to experience so the "public good" could be maintained. But apparently, what I and other citizens have been putting up with is not standard procedure. Nor is it for anyone's good except, perhaps, the government's. But there's good news dear citizens, all is not lost. There is a privileged class that doesn't have to bear up under these indignities and I want to be a part of them.
You should too!
Therefore, I'm throwing all my support behind the illegals protesting. But I'm not stopping there. I'm also thinking about revoking my citizenship so I can join them and have more liberty to carry on my business without the abuses of legal encroachments, demands for my identity, a full investigation into my past every time my left rear turn signal fails, or, get this, even paying income taxes.
What's more, I'm thinking about moving to California to join the beautiful people! I hear as an illegal there I can get free medical treatment, my children can go to college for free and I don't have to produce any documents regarding my finances or personal life in order to purchase a home.
How cool is that!
I only wish I'd thought of this earlier. I'm just writing this to you, my fellow citizen/victims, as a public service, in the hope you might follow the same path, take advantage of the liberties and services afforded illegals and join me grooving out on Huntington Beach. Let me know if you're coming and I'll see if I can pre-apply you for a marijuana medical card. Don't worry about paying for the "medication." You can get your "prescription" filled with money from government medical entitlement programs.
What fools we American Citizens have been working and saving when we could have all the stuff we need for free. All we need to do is just revoke our citizenship! It's just that easy.
What could we have been thinking?!?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Talking Nonsense and Gibberish
On Neil Cavuto's Your World today Imogene Lloyd Webber said in England they believe healthcare is a right. I cannot believe she understands what she's saying. If she did she would realize she's talking nonsense.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Will the Real Government Please Stand up?
The Excuse Cloaking the Reason
Armadillo unabashed dictionary
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Zero-Sum Game
Thursday, May 6, 2010
More on the Federal Jihad
Ms. Chesea Shilling has written something I did not think could exist in today's climate: an article on Southern symbols that is even handed. For this I congratulate her. Her full article can be found at:
In response to her article I wrote the following:
I just read your article on the Marines and the Confederate flag. I want to personally thank you for writing a fair article. Amid all the hatred from the left and the present scourge of political correctness, no one stops or cares to stop to ask a Southerner just what the Confederate Battle Flag and other Southern Symbols mean TO HIM. They never think it can mean anything other than the racial hatred ascribed to it by the tyrannical victors in an attempt to cover up their crimes against humanity and the Constitution and hide the real reason the war was fought: Northern Imperialist Greed.
My experience is that when an endeavor is virtuous its goals can be stated plainly and up front. But when an endeavor is driven by evils such as tyranny, rapacity and the lust for power the true reasons cannot be stated, ergo a false, unhistorical reason is proffered as a justification for their evil acts accompanied, of course, by the ever-popular tool of the propagandist: the belligerent, indignant and self-righteous shouting down of any and all objecting voices.
It's all necessary. After all, who bothers with inconvenient and unimportant historical facts when you've got an Empire to Rule?
The question now arises as to why the South is hated? Why are Southerners under nothing less than a cultural reign of terror and an oppressive Federal Jihad to outlaw all things Southern? Why are Southerners shouted down and prevented from stating their reasons for honoring their failed war for Independence and their ancestors who died in that struggle?
I'll tell you why: The South is hated, not because the Southern Cause and its symbols meant and mean slavery, but because it represents that foundational, that quintessential American liberty without which there is no real America: Self Rule.
The same forces that caused, directed and financed the war in 1861 are still driving and financing that same Federal Government today, and they fear and hate the principles of American Liberty and Self Rule even more than they feared and hated them a century and a half ago. Their use of false history and the spreading of the propaganda of race and class warfare upon ignorant political and social factions who are all too willing to believe them, represent their primary means of denying Southerners and other honest men who would tell the truth about our history their right to be heard.
The lies persist in the form of false, historically unverifiable reasons for the invasion of the Southern Republic and the ultra-pious, pseudo-religious nationalistic, mythological rhetoric centered around a hated tyrant made into the grotesque combination of a martyred saint and Greek god.
Until the day arrives that the Nation can come to terms with its history and tell the truth about itself the principles and ideals of our Founders will simply remain what they've become under Centralized Federal rule: hollow phrases politicians drag out every election cycle and use to end their speeches, all the while what's left of American Liberty is being eroded daily by the same instrument that began the erosion: The Mutant Grotesquerie into which the Central Government created by our Founders metastasized in 1861-65.
But the real truth comes out, even from the lips of our enemies. It was in 1865 that Stanton or Seward (I don't recall which) said, "Our purpose is to cause men to love their nation more than they love their state." In other words, love this abstraction of galloping Empire more than the actual soil of Duncanville, Tx, Dallas County or the glorious Republic of Texas. Never!
It was also at that time Supreme Court Chief Justice and Lincoln appointee, Salmon Chase, all but danced on the grave of Thomas Jefferson as he joyfully, albeit unwittingly, stated the truth for the Federal invasion of the Southern Republic, "States Rights died at Appomattox." In other words, Centralization has triumphed! And as it was then so it is now, the only change being a fortiori.
Meanwhile many non-Southerners who come to the truth by reading honest history are often amazed at why Southerners have persisted and refuse to forget. The truth is Southerner's, like the Captive Israelites in Babylon, had sooner forget their right arms than forget the air of Liberty we once breathed, and like General Leonidas Polk, deep in our hearts we understand that "resistance to tyranny is service to God."
Thank you once again for at least being fair enough to see and state, if but briefly, the Southern point of view rather than just parroting the malicious cant of that devourer of Liberties, the Tyrannical Leviathan on the Potomac.